Watch as our field transforms into a carnival….with a bounce house, lots of fun games of chance and prizes. A fun event for the whole Family!!

We also want to announce that we have just surpassed 1,500 likes on Facebook! Thank you to all of our fans out there who enjoy staying at Duck Puddle Campground each year and for wanting to know more about what DPC is up to when you are not here. We enjoy posting photos, events and campground information on our Facebook page, so if you have not already liked us, please visit our FB page today and check it out.

Because we hit 1,500 likes before Puddle Palooza weekend, we randomly chose 1 winner to receive a 2 night stay in one of our wood cabins..and the winner was: Sarah Rowe!

Maine Camping Family
Family Friendly Camping Maine


Duck Puddle Campground Facebook

Duck Puddle Campground
60 Campground Road
Nobleboro, ME 04555

Reserve Online
